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Google Street View

I played around with Google Maps’ new(ish) feature, Street View, tonight. It’s spooky. You click through neighborhoods and see 360-degree shots of every inch from a passing car’s perspective. I felt almost voyeuristic when I was clicking through our block of Humphrey and saw our neighbor Mary Fran and her black lab, Rocky, strolling by their house.

We’re really going to miss our great neighbors. It’s nice to know that Google will help us keep an eye on them and their dogs.

August 12, 2008 - 3:58 pm

Jacki - I know totally what you're saying, it's creepy thinking that there's a man in the middle of your street looking at your house and watching you! I had been playing with that and I read this entry and finally decided to see what it was all about. It's awesome! Well I can't wait to see you guys. ily