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Anna came to visit

Anna, our cousin from Memphis, came through town with her choir last week. They spent Thursday evening at Navy Pier, and Anna was gracious enough to invite us along. Francis was excited – it was her first trip to the Pier, and she was getting a lot of attention from Anna and her friends.

Have you noticed that Francis is good with crowds? That’s really her element. We’ll be eating dinner at some restaurant, and I can tell by the look in her eye that she’s hooked another stranger into her tangled little web of baby attraction. I’m think Francie is going to grow up to be a performer. Performer or salesman.

Anyway, seeing Anna was a lot of fun. It was not only fun in the “haven’t seen you in years; my how you’ve grown” sense, but also in the “wow, that girl is great, I hope Francis turns out like her” sense.

Family is a great thing. We need more visits like this.