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Baby Breit!!

Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

Sally and I were bombarded by nostalgia at Prentice Hospital last night when we went over to say hello to little Anna Charlotte Breit. That’s where we first saw our Francis. The place hasn’t changed much.

We were honored to watch two-year old Noah meet his sister for the first time. Anna showed prodigious intellect by having a gift for Noah to unwrap (a remote control car). The gift broke the ice, and Noah was all kisses after that. He’s going to be a good brother (especially if Anna keeps it up with the gifts).

Here’s to you, Breits!!

Postscript: we used to call Anna’s mom “Hennessey-Breit,” because we met her as Lauren Hennessey. I’m struck by the similar sound of “Anna C. Breit.” Coincidence?

Click on the title of this post to be taken directly to a set of 69 photos of Baby Breit and her family.