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Hey, what’s down there?

Francis in her playroom
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

I was just sitting at my desk working when I turned around to see Francis climbing up her toys to peek out the window. She wasn’t making any noise to prompt my turning she was just very quietly plotting her escape. The joke was on her though, because I then got to watch her for the next 10 minutes try and figure out how to get down. Unfortunately for you, I didn’t get a still photo of it, but it was Hilarious. She ended up kind of sitting and sliding down the wall onto her booty. A bit surprised she looked at me and then stood right back up and was ready to do it again. What a smarty pants. As you scroll through the photos take special note of her hair…not that you could miss it. I think it might be time to get a haircut. Ah… somehow that makes me sad, but I don’t think I can put it off any longer.

July 13, 2005 - 1:53 am

Drew, Amber and Megan - NO! don't cut her hair, just keep putting it up. you'll be sorry. i cut megans hair for the first time right after her 2nd birthday, and i wished i had never touched it. francy,if possible, will look even more adorable if you let it grow and put it up like you do now