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Rube Goldberg at Honda

Sometimes when the topic of careers comes up, people ask me why I studied engineering in college. My answer varies from “I was interested in a lot of things, and engineering was the only one I couldn’t switch into midstream” (I’ll explain that logic if necessary) to “it’s what my dad did.”

From now on, when asked that question, I would love to point people to this video. If you don’t get fired up about this, then you shouldn’t be in engineering.

For those who are interested, Wikipedia has a great entry on the namesake of such devices.

November 8, 2005 - 7:40 pm

Anonymous - So Francis can be as quirky as her father, and as creative as her mother…

November 13, 2005 - 5:38 am

Fulmer Fam - Hey, that is so cool, i sent it to my husband in Iraq, who is an engineer coincidentally.