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Waa! My website has been down…AGAIN!

Crankie Frankie Flower
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

Well folks, there’s no hurricane to blame this time – just a crazy and complicated web hosting issue. The resolve is that we have up and running, but is still being worked on. So… that being said, for all of you folks who have us linked to your site…you’ll need to update those links to:

Man o’ man… I tell ya… having your site go down is a stinker. I’m always surprised at the volume of “where the heck is your blog?” email we get. Not to mention, a lot has happened in the last few days.

We had our entire downstairs painted and the wood trim cleaned. The dining room wallpaper was taken down and the original oak paneling was restained and varnished. It looks awesome. It’s like we have a new house. Now if we just had a kitchen…and some living room and dining room furniture… we’d be set. Ha! Ah… in time… slowly but surely.

As you can also see, Francis has sprouted into a flower. She isn’t very happy about that, but we think it’s cute. Not to mention she is fulfilling a goal Matt and I set when we decided to have children. “Dress our children up in costume as much as possible. Not just on Halloween.” Don’t worry she’ll warm up to it.

What else can I tell you…work is kicking my booty. I’ve been really busy with a gospel package for WORD records and a logo for a high end concierge company. For the most part those jobs were finally finished today and now I’ve got to work on an invitation for Compassion International. It’s for an annual GMA (Gospel Music Awards) dinner they host as a thank you to the musicians that help support them throughout the year. Anyway, it’s just a barrel of fun over here on the top floor of 719 Humphrey.

On a sidenote, for the last hour and half that I’ve been working I’ve been bribing my little flower with “Pirates Booty” some kind of semi-nutritious form of Cheetos. Lovely. I have learned as a parent that there are times you just “do what you gotta do.” Today was just one of those days.

Alright well… that’s all I’ve got for now. I’m sorry for the interruption in service. I realize we’re testing our readership and from the bottom of our Gulde hearts we appreciate your loyalty. 😉

December 9, 2005 - 2:37 am

Kristen - I'm so glad you are back. It's impossible to say how much I really missed you.

It's good to have goals to dress up little Francis in costume. I think she'll take to it any day now. Keep good thoughts.
Love you all very very much.

December 9, 2005 - 3:53 pm

Michael - yea!! we're big Gulde fans and not having a Francis update was about to drive us nuts…glad your back up
Love y'all

December 10, 2005 - 7:54 pm

imron - whew. finally some more francis photos. at least you made up for it with some costumes. like you said, to please your readership, sometimes "you gotta do what you gotta do."