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It’s 13ºF let’s go to the Aquarium!

Chicago Aquarium
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

This past Saturday, Matt, Francis and I were at the Oak Park Library when all of a sudden Miss Francis came unglued at the site of a fish tank. She ran over and started pointing, laughing and wiggling her little booty like Scout. It was hilarious. She loved it. She loves FISH! Who knew? So, the obvious thing to do was to head to the Aquarium the next day. And boy were we right. Francis wore herself out. She laughed and pointed and wiggled and laughed and pointed and wiggled. So much so… I think we’re going to have to consider seriously about become members at some point. We took a couple of little videos with our digital camera and I’ll do my best to get those uploaded asap. In the meantime, you’ll have to settle for the following stills. Enjoy!

January 28, 2006 - 12:26 am

Kristen - That's a great photo! It looks sooooo cold!!

January 28, 2006 - 6:37 pm

The Olson Family - OK, now you HAVE to come visit Aunt Jen, Uncle Matt and David in Atlanta. We have THE LARGEST aquarium in the US, maybe the WORLD. You can't just say, "Francis loves fish", without considering Atlanta! Ok, we will use anything we can to get you guys to come see us 😉 You need to check out new pics on our blog

January 28, 2006 - 9:07 pm

Drew, Amber and Megan - No, Francis needs some fun in the sun. She needs to come to Miami and go to the Miami Seaquarium. They have a kids club she would be the center of attention.C'mon Francis you know you want to.