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Home Alone

Sally and Francis were in Louisville this weekend with our friend Becca (Petersen) Brown. Here’s a small-world story for you: Sally went to junior high school in Panama because her dad was a U.S. Army doctor stationed down there. Becca grew up in Panama as part of the non-military American contingent there. Becca and Sally went to the same junior high at the same time, but don’t remember each other from that time.

Fast forward to college: Becca left Panama and went to Notre Dame, where she and I didn’t get to know each other. She did, though, meet and eventually marry my post-law-school roommate Ryan Brown. When Sally and I started dating, Becca, Ryan, and I realized that Sally and Becca had gone to the same school in Panama at the same time. They soon discovered that they had several mutual friends.

One of those mutual friends lives in Louisville. That’s why Becca and Sally were there this weekend.

So Scout and I had a boys’ weekend. Here’s what we did:

* Got Scout some vaccinations and a heartworm test;
* Finally used a year-old gift certificate to Golfsmith to buy a wedge;
* Played nine holes at Columbus Park (without Scout);
* Put two coats of finish on Francie’s new chair;
* Cut all the pieces for three more chairs;
* Watched Notre Dame beat DePaul in basketball;
* Saw Munich and Firewall in an unplanned double feature;
* Picked up a 3.5′ x 8′ section of maple bowling alley lane (recovered from the now-closed Marigold Bowl on 828 W. Grace);
* Did two loads of laundry; and
* Fell asleep watching the Oscars.

It was a good weekend, but we miss our girls.

March 8, 2006 - 7:40 pm

Michael - this unbelievable series of connections need to go down in a record book some where

March 10, 2006 - 2:31 am

The Olson Family - Seems a little like an unproductive weekend to me. See, you need the girls around to motivate you. Not really. Glad you were able to cut out the pieces for your nephew David's new chairs that you are going to build and have ready by June, 10th, his birthday. Love you brother. Your sis.