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Table and Chairs

Back in February, I started building Francis a table and four chairs. I’m still not finished, but as you can see, I’ve completed the construction phase of the project. The chairs could use a couple more coats of varnish, and the table hasn’t been varnished at all. Still, I’m proud of them and I wanted to share.

This photo set shows some details of the table assembly. I have no independent knowledge that this is a good way to put a table together – I basically copied a table from Francis’s daycare. I did broaden the base because the original had a tipping problem. I also added a couple inches to the height.

Special thanks to Pat Babka, who helped cut the tabletop.

May 3, 2006 - 8:54 am

ERIC WELLS - Hey Matt…Nice job man,I myself am a "Do it yourself" guy. I like that since of pride ya get when you step back and look at the final product and you can say "yep,I built that" not to mention the fact…Is it just me or does everything you decide to build yourself last 10 times longer than if you bought it somewhere…hmmmm….anyway thought you could use a pat on the back….Eric

May 3, 2006 - 2:28 pm

Justin - Very good work. (I assume it is…I'll await testing and a report by Francis.)

I'm a do-it-himself guy – and by "him" I mean whomever has established as a profession the service I need done.

Therefore, I envy you.

May 16, 2006 - 6:11 pm

Steve and Amy Lou - Great job, Matt!!! When can we put our order in??? Seriously, very cool set, she will treasure that always!