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It’s official. I’m a grown up.

Tonight I sit on our couch with that sweet “I just ate the greatest meal ever” glow. I feel like a new person. I just finished eating some of my very first pot roast. Not just any pot roast mind you, but my momma’s pot roast with all the fixins’…with carrots, red potatoes, and the clincher…homemade gravy. I’ve seen her make this a zillion times, but never have I solely taken on the challenge of a 5lb piece of meat. And frankly, if I may be so bold, I did a damn fine job. I was inspired to buy the giant beefy lovelyness to celebrate Matt’s first trial this week, but it soon became clear to me that my timing was off. I now know that when your husband is on trial he doesn’t make it home for dinner. So it was just me and Scout tonight. And although Scout doesn’t actually speak, it was pretty clear he thought I did a good job too.

So as I sit here just two months from having my second child, I all of a sudden feel more prepared than ever. Sure there will be sleepless nights and days of chaos ahead, but I have the confidence of knowing I can make a pot roast… and freakin’ homemade gravy. I can do anything. This kid has got nothin’ on me.

May 12, 2006 - 12:52 pm

Kristen - Oh, Sally! This entry brought tears to my eyes. You're all grown up! And I have all the confidence in the world in you… especially now that you ain't skeered of no 5lb piece of meat! My how times have changed! Loving you always…

May 12, 2006 - 2:38 pm

katherine petillo - my, my. girl, you have come a long way. it wasn't that long ago that a good ole microwave corndog was a mighty fine dinner and look at you now. congrats. wish i was there to share in the glory. love you.

May 12, 2006 - 6:50 pm

Donoghue Nation - If I were your husband and you had made a pot roast, I'd be home for dinner. I might not even remember I was in the midst of a trial, as I enjoyed the post-roast food coma.

Kidding, we at the DN are very proud of both Sally's roast and Matt's trial. This is a very grown up week for the Gulde family.

May 13, 2006 - 3:50 am

Michelle - Sally, It's Michelle Hayden from Panama — I loved this as I am struggling with surviving Baby #2 — Lea gave me your blog site and I am so happy to read about your family! I was thrilled when I first made a pot roast, too (about 2 months ago)… I'm not sure why that has such a grown up feeling except that it's a piece of cake to make with two kids…. You can check out my blog at — Keep in touch! BTW, what's your connection with ND? Both my hubby and I went there undergrad…

May 16, 2006 - 6:14 pm

Steve and Amy Lou - Sally, you never cease to amaze me. Not only are you an EXCELLENT friend, but an amazing wife and mother. You go girl!