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Well, here it is… the belly!

Garage Sale
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

I’ve been getting a lot of requests for belly pics and so here ya go! These aren’t the most flattering photos of yours truly. This is the unshowered, glasses version of me, but you get the idea. 😉 I’m officially 36 weeks which means I’m full term and could deliver with essentially no worries. I can’t believe I’m having another baby. It’s so surreal how fast this pregnancy has gone.
It’s gone so fast in fact that I find myself scrambling trying to get things done before this little man shows his cute little face. This weekend we had an impromtu garage sale. We found out our alley neighbors were having one so we took advantage of their advertising and joined in the junk sale. It was a great success and although we still have a lot of stuff to unload…we have a lot less than we did before Saturday. Francis was a trooper. She played in the backyard all day long: filling up her pool, having tea parties with Scout, washing her “car.” It was great. I’m so thankful we were able to pull it off before this baby arrived.

June 27, 2006 - 2:02 am

Drew, Amber and Megan - I love you for always being you. You have such a great sense of who you are. You just have this "Sally" look. You look amazing. I CANNOT grasp the fact that you are having a little boy, yet alone another baby. I am so excited for you, now let's get ready and have that baby!!

June 27, 2006 - 4:19 am

Steve and Amy Lou - Sally, as I keep saying to you, you look GREAT! You make pregnancy look so hip and easy. You are gonna be a great mom to baby boy Gulde (and Francis and Scout, of course), I just know it!!! And to add my midwife 2 cents, your gonna do great in labor. I love you, chica! Aim

June 27, 2006 - 8:57 am

ERIC WELLS - Sounds like you have had your hands ful "momma" I must say I'm a little jealous,having two little girls I cant help but wonder what it would be like to have a boy…anyway,you look great,same ole sally just with a belly,and I dig the glasses….see ya

June 29, 2006 - 2:05 am

Fulmer Fam - Can I just say if that is your unshowered look I never want anyone to see my unshowered look! Oh, and you look amazingly like your mom for some reason, maybe what she looked like when you were waiting to join the world as well! BOYS are the BEST, Boyz Rule!

June 29, 2006 - 2:30 pm

katherine petillo - you look awesome. all baby as they say. thanks for posting some pics. it's amazing how pictures make you feel a little more connected and a little more involved. kinda like knowing what someone's office or house looks like gives you a mental picture of where they are when you talk. we love you! can't wait to meet that little fellow in there.