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Emergency Manicure

So I did my best to keep my mouth shut and I thought it was actually working.

Yesterday evening we went over to Amy and Steve’s house for dinner (thank you, thank you, thank you) and while we were eating I kept getting mild contractions. In an effort to keep hope alive, Amy and I walked back to my house after dinner, and the contractions continued. Then, about an hour later – in true Kmart form – they stopped. I decided to take a deep breath and a hot bath and call it a night. At about midnight I woke up with contractions that continued every four minutes till about 5:30am. I knew for sure that this was it. I got up and put my contacts in, double-checked to make sure the cameras and phones were charging, and curled my hair (I know, silly girl, but I was just positive). And then.!.!. they stopped again. Pfffft.

So in case you’re wondering a woman who is 6 days overdue can have false labor. Who knew? I didn’t.

In my dispair this morning, I called Amy for a pep talk. She is not only a midwife, but she was 2 weeks overdue with her son a year ago – so a woman like me has a real friend in Miss Amy. She knows just what to say and how to say it because she’s been there. She showed up at my house within 30 minutes and told me to get lost. It was amazing. She watched Francis for a couple of hours and told me to go eat lunch and get a manicure and that’s exactly what I did and I feel much better.

I’m scheduled to see my doctor tomorrow at 10am and I imagine we’ll talk about induction possibilities. At this point I’m still not sure if I want to do that. On one hand I’m on the edge of tears at all times because I want so badly to have this kid and on the other hand, I can’t believe I’m already a week overdue. This week actually went by pretty fast in hindsight. So maybe I can actually make it another week? I don’t know… if I keep having rollercoaster nights like last night I might just go insane.

July 27, 2006 - 9:14 pm

The Gulde Gang - Hang in there…Gulde babies refuse to come early I've decided. Why would this little guy be any different. Did you explain to him that Uncle Jeff & Aunt Denise are home now and he doesn't have to wait for us????
love, dg

July 28, 2006 - 12:24 am

Drew, Amber and Megan - Hey I was induced with Megan and it was great, I had a time to be there, they broke my water-ahhh-the feeling of peeing my pants,then 3 hours later we had Megan. It only seemed like 30 minutes though. It's the way to go.

July 28, 2006 - 3:19 am

Steve and Amy Lou - hang in there, sally, you're doing great. Whatever you decide, I'm behind you 100%. This baby WILL come, that I can guarantee!!!

July 28, 2006 - 3:22 pm

Kristen - I think all this xtry time is helpful for playing the name game. I just realized Natalie Maines, yes, that's right of Dixie Chicks fame, has a son named Beckett Finn. Two names you've always loved… And then there's Emily's Gus. Augustus Gulde. Just look at all those "u's", will ya?? So much to think about in these minutes that all lead to one of the biggest shakeups in your life. Cherish your single daughter. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love you and wish you all — all the best!

July 28, 2006 - 3:24 pm

Kristen - i forgot to mention that those digits of yours shore look niiiice!

July 28, 2006 - 4:34 pm

ERIC WELLS - Hey girl…being a man,I have no idea what your going through,but as a friend I sure feel for ya,and so fear not my dear sally for the ole ric'ster and all your friends here in L-town are pulling for ya….good luck….by the way,the reunion is this weekend and you are already missed….Eric

July 30, 2006 - 7:47 pm

The Olson Family - Ok, David came exactly on his due date. That was 1 week too long for me! Hang in there! Can't wait to meet my new nephew! What's that about the name Augustus or Beckett? Do they know something we don't. Love you guys.

August 12, 2006 - 7:23 pm

Anonymous - I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.