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Where’s Daddy?

Where’s Daddy?
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

Matt is a groomsman for his buddy Jim Carter this weekend in Virginia. Forseeing that this would feel a bit overwhelming (being alone for 3 days with a 2 year old and a 4 week old) I invited my dear friend Katherine to come up. However, her sweet little Lola got a nasty ear infection and she was instructed by her doctor to stay home. What do you do?
Fortunately, it hasn’t been too bad. Francis is a sweetie. She’s been pretty easy aside from her constant need to be sitting beside me or literally on me. It seems that anytime I need to feed George that’s her cue to see if she can sit in my lap too. My solution: breastfeed while standing up. You do what you gotta do.
This set of photos is of our day. We had about 4 different tea parties (with Scout, of course) and watched “Baby Songs” more than I’d care to recall. One more day… wish me luck.

August 27, 2006 - 5:13 pm

Kristen - hola from mexico!!

good luck, my love! i know you´re doing good work babystepping through the day.

August 27, 2006 - 9:03 pm

Fulmer Fam - Standing up while breastfeeding, good work and good work over all! I've only done that while moving him from my lap to our bed 🙂