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They’re here! They’re here!

Kristen and RJ showed up on Saturday afternoon and we haven’t stopped smiling yet. It has been so great to talk face to face with Kristen and especially delicious to snuggle up with Miss Rosa Jane. What a precious and adorable little bundle she is. She is all smiles and giggles.

Based on our photo you may be getting a bit nauseous at the sight of yet another zoo photo. You may be thinking… can’t the Guldes think of something ELSE to do. Well, let me clarify that this time I’m not to blame. I just found out that Kristen’s niece works at the Dolphin pavillion there (and her boyfriend trains the dolphins at Shedd Aquarium). In any case, I’m not to blame for taking us to the zoo, but as you might have guessed, Kristen has now sealed her role as favorite Auntie. She not only took Francis to the zoo, but is related to someone who WORKS there. All you auntie’s out there… beware… Kristen’s really pulling all the stops. 😉

October 24, 2006 - 1:17 am

Anonymous - hey sally! no i dont get those discont coupons from JoAnn but please do forward them my way if you think of it I make trips over there all the time for stuff, hope yall are doing great, talk to ya soon!