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The Silly Music Project

The Silly Music Project will eventually comprise enough songs to fill a CD for my children. A few, like the Notre Dame Victory March, will be based on arrangements that I learned by singing in college. Most of the Project’s songs, though, will be traditional children’s songs of my own arrangement. Having no real music-theory knowledge or training, my arranging method is this: (1) record the melody, (2) make up a harmony line and record it, (3) listen to the combination and erase if it sucks, (4) repeat. As you will hear, the determination in step no. 3 is subjective.

Here are two more songs for the Silly Music Project:

The first, Jesus Loves Me, is something that we sing to Francis just about every night. It’s one of her favorites, and she asks for it by name. I recorded this in just a few minutes tonight, and the process made me feel like I’m getting better at this.

The second, Little Bunny Foo Foo, I recorded a few nights ago. This was late, when Sally was asleep and I was apparently delirious. This song is insane, and I’m not sure if this version is going to make the final cut. Regardless, it makes me laugh at parts, particularly the bell chord counting and the plaintive falsetto “no, Bunny Foo Foo” near the end.

Enjoy. These are corny. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

February 14, 2007 - 7:07 pm

Kristen - Hilarious rendering of Little Bunny Foo Foo. I'm not sure I will ever be able to sing it MY way without thinking of all your great embellishments. Thanks for sharing!

February 15, 2007 - 4:35 am

Susan Carns - The songs are great…when you get enough songs gathered to make the CD…I want one too! Incidentally, I know a really great gal you need to meet when you're looking for someone to design the cd pkg. love you, S.

February 15, 2007 - 1:00 pm

Kristen - Incidentally my butt, Susan! 🙂

February 15, 2007 - 1:01 pm

Kristen - We're talking bona fide Grammy-winnin' designer!!! Matt, you'd be damn foolish to go elsewhere.

February 17, 2007 - 12:25 am

Jeff - OK, Matt. This new toy of yours is very cool and definitely has potential. Your children (and others…?) will cherish it. Keep up the good work. Love always, Jeff

February 25, 2007 - 11:52 pm

Patrick - Matty,

Nice work on the ND victory march! How come there's no first tenor?
