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There Will Be Batter.

Can you imagine a world where pancake batter erupts like a yellow geyser right out of a can? How about a pantry full of these cans? How about pancakes at every meal? Why not try coating all your foods in pancake batter and throwing them on the griddle? Is there a better way to make kids like vegetables?

Enough questions! Let loose the batter!

via boingboing

January 2, 2008 - 2:40 am

Sally - And they're "100% Organic" – Ha!

January 2, 2008 - 7:36 pm

katherine petillo - i thought you were kidding, but i looked at the site. too funny that they give both the Merriam-Webster and the USDA definitions of organic. i'm glad to know that they are made without synthetic ingredients or sewer sludge!