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Quarter-Stealing Crane Machine

Last night, as we celebrated my sister’s birthday at a Mexican restaurant in Amarillo, Francis and I invested a dollar in one of those machines in which you try to pick up a stuffed animal with a three-pronged crane. For a dollar, we had two tries, and both were (as I’m sure they are designed to be) very nearly fruitful. After consoling her, I noticed that an older man had been watching. He looked to be in his early sixties, and he had tears in his eyes as he told me about plugging quarters into such machines 20 years ago for his daughters, who are now grown. I’ve heard his advice many times in the last three years – “cherish these moments” – but something tells me that no matter how many of these moments we have, I’ll someday wish there had been more.

January 12, 2008 - 7:22 pm

Fulmer Fam - Crap, why do you guys always make me cry on your blog, I am not coming anymore, ok that is not true, but stop already. No seriously with Scott getting ready to deploy again I am being so emotional and sappy about every thing the kids do, like OMG when he gets back Thomas will be to big a boy to ride on his daddy's shoulders, which is his favorite thing and the answer to making everything right in his world. Ok enough, have a great weekend.

January 14, 2008 - 1:01 am

Drew, Amber and Megan - In my world it is known as the "claw" game…and I am the best player around. I ALWAYS get something….my biggest boast is a stuffed pink panther…can't touch this!