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Paul Bunyon’s Robot Arm

If you have any fear of the robots one day coming for you, you probably should not watch this video.

John Deere has devised this mesmerizing chainsaw-robot-arm machine that is able to (1)grab a huge tree by its base, (2)saw through it, (3)fell the tree while still holding on to the base, (4)propel thousands of pounds of wood through its grasp in order to change grip, (5)saw into manageable lengths, and (6)take any intervening branches off in step 4. This is a machine operated by a single man. I had no idea this existed.

via The Morning News

January 29, 2008 - 2:54 am

Drew, Amber and Megan - whoah, I can't stop watching this.

January 29, 2008 - 10:52 pm

The Olson Family - So are you thinking of changing professions bro? Wonder what Mom would think. Notre Dame degree…..John Deer tree choppin', chainsaw usin' dude. But, it's manly in that outdoorsy, woodsy, hot guys from Alaska sort of way. I know……maybe Sally could get you one for your birthday! 🙂

February 1, 2008 - 3:15 pm

lauren - Modern Marvels on Discovery Channel had a whole segment of their show on this… I think it was a logging show. Very cool and scary! And, yes, we watch Modern Marvels. The kids love it!