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Sneak Peek: Baby B

Well, he’s not really a BABY anymore. He just turned one a few weeks ago and given that he can already RUN, I think it’s fair to call him a toddler. I tell ya, this kid is the most easy going kid I have ever met. He’s just chill. It wasn’t until oh, maybe the 500th photo, that I saw an inkling of frustration out of this guy. So so cute, this one. He was truly a joy to shoot. So busy and sweet. Enjoy the sneak peek momma E!

Eating peas and carrots for lunch, but absolutely positively NO lima beans. 😉

He was on the move!

March 14, 2008 - 3:24 am

Steve Ballmer - Your photography is phenominal!

March 14, 2008 - 7:44 pm

Kristen - i love the seventh one down, the black/white closeup the best. i’d love to see this one really, really big. his eyes are just so amazing!!

great work, greyfinch! let me know when you’ll be in the area and you can take all my millions for trade of beautiful photographs. it is surely worth every penny and then some.

March 14, 2008 - 8:02 pm

Sally - I have to add that I love the eating photos. I think they would be so cute framed in a series really big, in the kitchen eating area of her house. They’re just so graphic and sweet all at the same time. If I don’t say so myself – ha! 🙂

March 14, 2008 - 8:03 pm

Sally - Thanks Kristen – You’ve got a deal! 🙂

March 18, 2008 - 12:57 am

tami - congratulations, sally! these are such lovely photos. here’s to many more successful shoots for greyfinch! 🙂