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Quiz Time

Just so that huge memento mori is not on top of our blog anymore, go take this quiz and post your results in the comments.
April 3, 2008 - 4:05 am

The Olson Family - John Paul got 47 !!! He's a biochem major. He was feeling BAD that he only got 47….What ever! He got more but we just couldn't get the exact spelling. Smart dude!

April 3, 2008 - 4:23 am

Michael - 20…and currently in a chemistry class, yikes.

April 3, 2008 - 3:23 pm

Matt - 34 here, and I'm surprised at the easy ones I missed (tin, cobalt) and the obscure ones I could recall(strontium, einsteinium).

April 4, 2008 - 7:04 pm

Jason Boyett - So, I started to do the periodic table but was distracted by the quiz to name all the teams in major league baseball.

I got them all, with 1:01 remaining. The AL Central just about stumped me, though.

April 5, 2008 - 2:44 am

katherine petillo - 27. did i really know these at some point?