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Picking out our Christmas Tree

Picking out our Christmas Tree
Originally uploaded by ..Sally..

This past weekend, while enjoying the 70º weather here in Amarillo, we picked out our first real Christmas tree. We tried to find a local boy scout lot to purchase one, but without success, we ended up at the Home Depot. This marks the first year that we have a REAL tree. Both Matt and I grew up with real trees, but never could justify the hassle with small children and always being out of town for the holiday. Francis was so excited as you can see in the photo above. I love that she’s at an age where this is all beginning to get exciting. For the last few nights before bed she’s been asking if tomorrow is Christmas. Remember that feeling?

December 10, 2008 - 10:11 pm

katherine petillo - Lola asks me every morning if we can go down and wake up the Christmas tree (turn on the lights). I love it. It's so fun to see their excitement. Love you guys!

December 12, 2008 - 2:03 am

America - I know I love it too, Thomas is really "getting it" this year. We have the Playmobil Advent calendar and today he snuck in there and was really quiet and then I heard him exclaim see I did it mommy, and he had done it he had opened up box 23. I cannot wait until Christmas morning this year!