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George has started Fort Worth PreK

Well folks, here he is: George William Finch Gulde headed to his first day of Fort Worth preK. Baby Tiger under one arm and Clash of the Titans lunchbox in the other. He. had. so. much. fun.

When I dropped him off, I expected some kind of hesitation – something-anything. He hadn’t given me any indication that he was worried, but I just figured, hey… he’s four and this is a new place…ya know, normal kid stuff. But what I’m realizing more and more is that George Gulde is no regular kid. This boy, much like his father, has never met a stranger. He just rolls with it and is a friend to all. Monday was no different. He just ran in, found his cubby, put away his backpack – taking special care to put Baby Tiger inside safely, put his daddy’s old lunchbox on the shelf and ran to one of the tables and started playing. No hug, no kiss goodbye necessary… So I said, “George, I’m leaving… I love you, have a great day” and he said “Okay, momma – I love you too” without even looking up. Big sigh… he’s growing up. They all are, damn it.

Just before noon, I talked to Matt and told him that I needed to wake Sam up to go pick up George. He offered to do it for me so he could get in on the first day fun which was great. He said George was the last one out – not because Matt was the last one there, he was just busy having fun.

When they arrived home he told me all about playing in the bike playground and how he liked playing with Max.

Cheers to your first day little man. I hope you are always this comfortable in your own skin, you inspire me.