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It’s been awhile…

Big apologies for the delay of posting. Life has me chasing my tail these days. So I will do my best to catch you up to speed.

1. Went to Galveston at the end of April. Got back and started looking for my cell phone. After 2.5 weeks of thinking it was going to show up, I bought a new phone and began immediately receiving calls for “Robert.” “Rob” has apparently been enjoying the use of my phone the past few weeks. Being the thoughtful guy he is, he also took the liberty to download some ringers for me: Money On My Mind, I’m Straight, Booty Call, Telephone Love, G Code by the Geto Boys, Ol English-The Game and lastly, the screensaver titled: Stewie, Where’s My Money?.

400 minutes and $35 bucks in ringers later… not to mention having to buy a new phone and sign another 2 year contract, I’m thankful it wasn’t worse. My good attitude wanes however, when I answer my phone and hear, “Yo, Rob….”

2. Tooth update: George seems to be doing better and we remain hopeful that he won’t lose it. Our 3 week appointment is this Thursday so we’ll see…

3. We’ve all been sick. Within the last week we have had some kind of throw-up/poopy bug hit us. I literally spent my Mother’s Day over a toilet and in bed trying to rest. It was a total bummer, but I think most of it has left the building. Georgie still has a little left in his system, but hopefully he’ll recover fully soon. Oh and on the upside, as a result of being so sick I finally hit my Weight Watchers 10% weight loss goal! Ha.

4. Photographed a friend’s daughter and in exchange got some amazing plants from her yard that she was wanting to get rid of. At the end of the day I walked away with about 8 big hostas and 2 day lillies. I’ll post pics soon. They really classed up our front yard and I am now the envy of my neighbors. If I had more time, I think I would really enjoy gardening.

5. Francis continues to crack me up. I was talking to her this morning about potty training. Again, I was explaining to her how big girls go poo-poo in the potty. She looked at me, as if to say “Let me get this right:” and said “So, big girls go poo-poo in the potty?” and I said, “Yes, that’s right.” And she paused for a moment and said, “In-ter-est-ing.”

May 22, 2007 - 1:18 pm

Kristen - I'm laughing out loud. If only there was a recording of Francis speaking! I've missed you guys terribly and hope to catch up with you later today.

May 22, 2007 - 6:27 pm

katherine petillo - i love it! so good to see you back in blogdom. now i want to see you in nashville 😉 we love you so much.

May 23, 2007 - 4:36 am

Drew, Amber and Megan - I was looking for some hostas this weekend at home depot, i just cleaned out my front bedding area and planted new stuff! That Francis she is a-ma-zing!

May 30, 2007 - 3:45 am

Angela J. Smith - Sally,I stumbled upon your blog. I love it. I would love to touch base with you, so send me an email. It is good to see you are doing well.
Angela Smith

June 1, 2007 - 5:18 am

Susan Carns - So, if I call you and say, "Yo, Rob" will you think it's funny? I'm quite sure I'll think it's hillarious…but, given that your home with those beautiful/brilliant babies – I don't want to inadvertently send you over the edge or anything.