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Zachary John

June 5, 2007
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

We have a new nephew! Our bro-in-law Matt called us at 5 this morning to say that baby Z had arrived safe and sound at around 3:30 a.m. (4:30 D.C. time). He’s a healthy 8 lb, 8.4 oz. boy. Jennie is healthy but exhausted after a long night and eventual c-section. Welcome to the outside Zach!

Update: He is 19 3/4 inches long.

June 8, 2007 - 4:02 am

Susan Carns - they sure know how to make a beautiful baby.

June 15, 2007 - 1:16 am

Jennwith2ns - Congrats on the nephew, guys! And hey Sally!