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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Best Friends

IMG_6231.JPG Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. I can die happy. I’ve seen the cutest possible thing onView full post »

First Day of Daycare

Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. Today was Francis’s first official day of daycare. She gets to hang outView full post »

I’m a little late to the game…

Okay so my friend Alexia “memed” me via her blog… which I think I’ve figured out means that IView full post »

Guldes Got ‘da Blues

Guldes Got ‘da Blues Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. Went to the House of Blues for dinner with ourView full post »

Vacation in Galveston

Vacation in Galveston Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. It’s been awhile! I apologize for that. But man o&#View full post »

James checking out his muscles!

Vacation in Galveston Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. The lone boy amongst all the kids, my nephew James. He&#View full post »

More Content Coming Soon

We’re back from vacation, but it has taken us a while to put some new pictures up. Sorry about that. I promiseView full post » is on Vacation

We’ll be back August 7th. Check back after that for some vacation photos.View full post »

The Petillos are pregnant.

IMG_4725.JPG Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. This past weekend I flew to Nashville for a baby shower forView full post »

Baby Breit!!

IMG_4612.JPG Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. Sally and I were bombarded by nostalgia at Prentice Hospital lastView full post »

Wait, who is that? Could it be: Hildi Santo Tomas?

Matt, Francis, Hildi Santo Tomas, and Sally Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. Some of you may be familiar withView full post »

Pacman and Blinky

IMG_1223 Originally uploaded by Alexia Abegg. My friend Alexia in Nashville went to a wedding this weekend and from whatView full post »

More Wedding Pictures

Shoulder Ride Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. As you can see here, Francis enjoys the occasional ride on herView full post »

Naked Bootleg

Coach Nevad jr. Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. This is Nathan, son of our friends Dave and Carrie. Dave tellsView full post »

The Bassett Family

The Bassett Family Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family. I have the very distinct pleasure of showing you guys aView full post »