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Ah… the Pacific

Ah… the Pacific
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

Went to Dan Jensen’s wedding in California this past weekend (pictures to come). Dan is a friend of Matt’s from Notre Dame. They were in Glee club together so you can imagine there was some singing this weekend. 😉 Wouldn’t you know I gave birth to a girl who is wooed by male chorus. She was loving it. She’s loves her daddy’s singing.

But what she also loves… is the beach. She first tasted salt water at Huntington Beach. I do mean literally. She fell over and got a good mouthful. Matt and I avoided the taste of salt water, but instead both walked away with pretty bad sunburns.

Posting from my phone

We thought Francis had another ear infection, so we went to the doctor today. Fortunately, she doesn’t. Unfortunately, they still took our money. I took this picture, and uploaded it to this website, using my cell phone. I tell ya, it’s fun living in 2005.

In other news:

(1) Matt is sick as a dog – no offense, Scout. Stomach flu or something.

(2) after a lot of wrangling (including threatened legal action), we’re getting a new water heater at half price. It’s a great story – I may tell it after we actually have the heater installed.

(3) we’re flying to California on Thursday night for a wedding. Dan Jensen, one of Matt’s college friends, is getting married.

June 19, 2005 - 6:57 pm

Alexia - she is so cute!!!!
hope you guys are settling in…
look forward to seeing you guys at the petillo shower

Francis at the Pool

Francis at the Pool
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

Oak Park has a couple of community pools: Rehm Park and Ridgeland Commons. We bought our family pool pass this week, and Francis has already been to the pool at Rehm Park twice. It’s walking distance from our place. Good thing, too – our water heater is on the fritz, so we’ve been getting clean at the pool showers this weekend.

Francis is not sure about the pool yet. She holds on pretty tight and you can feel her legs trying to climb up to higher ground when you’re carrying her. One thing she does like, though, is eating COOKIES at the pool.

We bought guest passes, so if you come visit us, we can all hit the pool (we promise to have the hot water heater by then).

Matt’s Birthday

Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

One of the problems with getting older is the fact that eventually I will reach all those ages at which famous people did the things that they’re famous for.

Albert Einstein let the world in on special relativity when he was 26. Also at 26, Orson Wells wrote, directed, and starred in Citizen Kane. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon wrote and starred in Good Will Hunting at 25 and 26, respectively. Tom Brady’s already won three superbowls and he’s 27.

Well I’ve got at least 4 years on those guys and what have I ever done?

See what I mean? Birthdays can get you down if you think this way. For every milestone you hit, there’s another thousand guys who can say they made their first million by that age.

My own damn wife won a Grammy at age 26.

Listen, I don’t want to get you down. At least, I don’t want to get those non-millionaires, non-grammy winners, and non-nobel prize winners among you down. So let us not sneer at these prodigious successes. Let us not point out that Orson Wells eventually did voice work on Magnum P.I. and Ben Affleck made Gigli. Why not find inspiration in these examples instead?

Let’s go get ’em.

June 9, 2005 - 11:08 am

Kristen - It seems like you got a really great birthday gift, but it's hard to tell from the pictures. Do you care to elaborate on that?

June 9, 2005 - 2:52 pm

Anonymous - Happy, happy birthday!
You've got two great girls in your life – who would have thought…that's REAL success.

Hatch…now Woodard

June 10, 2005 - 4:32 am

Matt - That's true. I have managed to put two fantastic girls in my life. That's all I need.

Kristen, I got a golf club for my birthday. A three wood. It's really nice.

June 10, 2005 - 12:09 pm

Kristen - That Francis — she's as thoughtful as they come! You Lucky Dog You!

The Car Broke Down

Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

So we left the keys on the counter, we said our good-byes to the place, we came down to the garage and found out that . . . . the car’s broken down.

This was all last month, but we thought we should still tell the story. It was May 22. Francis was having an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin she was taking for an ear infection (red bumps all over). The last thing we needed was to be stranded in a garage on the first hot day of the year.

We ended up having the car towed out to Oak Park. The culprit: a malfunction in a cooling fan (if you own a 2001 Volvo, take note: that item has been recalled).

Anyway, we stopped the amoxicillin, the rash cleared up and the ears were ok. The car’s fine, too.

*Click on the title above for a full set of moving pictures*